Ocupatie: Actor
A 25-a ora (1967)
La Vingt-Cinquième Heure / The 25th Hour
Grand Prix (1966)
Arde Parisul? (1966)
Paris Brule-t-il? / Is Paris Burning?
The Train (1965)
Trageti in pianist! (1960)
Tirez Sur Le Pianiste / Shoot the Piano Player
Cele patru sute de lovituri (1959)
Les 400 Coups / The 400 Blows
Vaca si prizonierul (1959)
La Vache et le Prisonnier / The Cow and I
Cocosatul de la Notre Dame (1957)
Notre Dame de Paris / The Hunchback of Notre Dame
French Cancan (1955)
French Can-Can / Only the French Can
Manastirea din Parma (1948)
La Chartreuse de Parme / The Charterhouse of Parma
Copiii paradisului (1945)
Les Enfants du Paradis / The Children of Paradise