Ocupatie: Actor
Rauri de Purpura 2: Ingerii Apocalipsei (2004)
The Crimson Rivers II: The Angels of the Apocalypse
Fratia lupilor (2001)
Le Pacte Des Loups / Brotherhood of the Wolf
Amazon (2000)
Pret-a-Porter - Crima in lumea modei (1994)
Prêt-à-Porter / Ready to Wear
Frumoasele americance (1990)
May Wine
Ticalosii (1988)
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
Monte Carlo (1986)
Pactul Holcroft (1985)
The Holcroft Covenant
Cainii razboiului (1981)
The Dogs of War
Legiunea Straina (1977)
March or Die
Animalul (1977)
L'Animal / Stuntwoman
Filiera Franceza II (1975)
The French Connection II