Ocupatie: Actrita
Data nasterii: 24 Decembrie 1922
Locul nasterii: Grabtown, NC
Data decesului: 25 Ianuarie 1990
Harem (1986)
Preotul iubirii (1981)
Priest of Love
Oras in flacari (1978)
City on Fire
Podul Cassandra (1976)
The Cassandra Crossing
Pasarea albastra (1976)
The Blue Bird
Permis pentru crima (1975)
Permission to Kill
Cutremurul (1974)
Viata si epoca judecatorului Roy Bean (1972)
The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean
Mayerling (1968)
Biblia (1966)
The Bible - In the Beginning / The Bible
Noaptea iguanei (1964)
The Night of the Iguana
Sapte zile in Mai (1964)
Seven Days in May
55 de zile la Peking (1963)
55 Days at Peking
The Angel Wore Red (1960)
Ultimul tarm (1959)
On the Beach
Maja nuda (1959)
The Naked Maja
Ocolul pamantului in 80 de zile (1956)
Around the World in 80 Days
The Little Hut (1956)
Contesa desculta (1954)
The Barefoot Contessa
Orchestra ambulanta (1953)
The Band Wagon
Aventura in jungla (1953)
Calareste Vaquero! (1953)
Ride, Vaquero!
Knights of the Round Table (1953)
Zapezile de pe Kilimanjaro (1952)
The Snows of Kilimanjaro
Show Boat (1951)
O singura stea (1951)
Lone Star
Trecutul meu interzis (1951)
My Forbidden Past
The Great Sinner (1949)
Agenti de publicitate (1947)
The Hucksters
Ucigasii (1946)
The Killers
Du Barry Was a Lady (1943)
Reunion in France (1942)
Rejoice1 Grgory
/ 10 Oct 2015 (de mai mult de 1 an)
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