Ocupatie: Actor
Omul care se holba la capre (2009)
The Men Who Stare at Goats
Transformers - Razboiul lor in lumea noastra (2007)
Operatiunea Delta Farce (2007)
Delta Farce
Toti oamenii Regelui (2006)
All the King's Men
Noapte buna si noroc! (2005)
Good Night, and Good Luck.
Insula (2005)
The Island
In prima linie (2004)
Homeland Security
Centrul Pamantului (2003)
The Core
Legatura de sange (2002)
Blood Work
Elicopter la pamant! (2001)
Black Hawk Down
Singurul supravietuitor (2000)
Dean Koontz' Sole Survivor
Oameni si cai (1999)
The Jack Bull
Air Force One (1997)
Fara oprire (1997)
Runaway Car
Raul ucigas (1994)
The River Wild
Star Trek: Generatii - O aventura la marginea universului (1994)
Star Trek Generations
In armata (1994)
In the Army Now
Dezvaluiri (1994)
Confessions: Two Faces of Evil
Victime inocente (1993)
Precious Victims
Sechestrati in larg (1992)
Under Siege
Dragonul de foc (1990)
Tango si Cash (1989)
Tango & Cash
84 Charlie Mopic (1989)
Experimentul Philadelphia (1984)
The Philadelphia Experiment