Ocupatie: Actor
Data nasterii: 19 Aprilie 1981
Locul nasterii: Vancouver, British Columbia
Fura si fugi (2010)
Jumper: Oriunde oricand (2008)
Sub anestezie (2007)
Factory Girl (2006)
Star Wars: Episodul III - Razbunarea Sith (2005)
Star Wars: Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith
Minciuni (2003)
Shattered Glass
Star Wars: Episodul II - Atacul Clonelor (2002)
Star Wars: Ep. II - Attack of the Clones
Viata ca o casa (2001)
Life as a House
Trapped in a Purple Haze (2000)
Sinuciderea fecioarelor (1999)
The Virgin Suicides
Danielle Steel's: Iubire fara sfarsit (1996)
Danielle Steel's 'No Greater Love'
Harrison Bergeron (1995)
Kurt Vonnegut's Harrison Bergeron
Creatorii de cosmaruri (1994)
In the Mouth of Madness