Ocupatie: Actor
Data nasterii: 10 Aprilie 1915
Mica ceainarie (1956)
The Teahouse of the August Moon
Priveste dincolo de tine (1955)
Not as a Stranger
Tara indepartata (1955)
The Far Country
Povestea lui Glenn Miller (1954)
The Glenn Miller Story
Arena (1953)
La amiaza (1952)
High Noon
Acolo unde coteste raul (1952)
Bend of the River
Dragnet (1951)
Orasul intunecat (1950)
Dark City
Madame Bovary (1949)
Cerul galben (1948)
Yellow Sky
The Big Clock (1948)
Somewhere in the Night (1946)
The Ox-Bow Incident (1943)