Ocupatie: Actor
Data nasterii: 22 Aprilie 1937
Locul nasterii: Neptune, NJ
Ultimele dorinte (2007)
The Bucket List
Cartita (2006)
The Departed
Al naibii tratament! (2003)
Anger Management
Ceva, ceva tot o iesi (2003)
Something's Gotta Give
Totul despre Schmidt (2002)
About Schmidt
Promisiunea (2001)
The Pledge
Mai bine nu se poate (1997)
As Good As It Gets
Atacul martienilor! (1996)
Mars Attacks!
La asfintit (1996)
The Evening Star
Sange si vin (1996)
Blood and Wine
Razbunarea (1995)
The Crossing Guard
Lupul (1994)
Oameni de onoare (1992)
A Few Good Men
Hoffa (1992)
Cand barbatii nu-ti dau pace (1992)
Man Trouble
Cartierul chinezesc 2 (1990)
The Two Jakes
Batman (1989)
Vrajitoarele din Eastwick (1987)
The Witches of Eastwick
Broadcast News (1987)
Iarba raului (1987)
Dragoste franta (1986)
Onoarea familiei Prizzi (1985)
Prizzi's Honor
Vorbe de alint (1983)
Terms of Endearment
Granita (1982)
The Border
Reds (1981)
Postasul suna intotdeauna de doua ori (1981)
The Postman Always Rings Twice
Stralucirea (1980)
The Shining
Spre sud (1978)
Goin' South
Ultimul magnat (1976)
The Last Tycoon
Reglare de conturi (1976)
The Missouri Breaks
Zbor deasupra unui cuib de cuci (1975)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Profesie: reporter (1975)
Professione: Reporter / The Passenger
Tommy (1975)
Averea (1975)
The Fortune
Cartierul chinezesc (1974)
The Last Detail (1973)
Regele din Marvin Gardens (1972)
The King of Marvin Gardens
Cunoastere carnala (1971)
Carnal Knowledge
Five Easy Pieces (1970)
O alta personalitate (1970)
On a Clear Day You Can See Forever
Easy Rider (1969)
Prieteni si dusmani (1964)
Ensign Pulver
Cartierul chinezesc 2 (1990)
The Two Jakes
Spre sud (1978)
Goin' South
Rejoice1 Grgory
/ 10 Oct 2015 (de mai mult de 1 an)
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Cavalerul intunecat si terorista din Stambul
[Saptamana 25-31 iulie]
Batman-ul lui Cristopher Nolan este intr-adevar un cavaler intunecat. La fel de intunecat ca intregul film, de la noaptea apasatoare din Gotham City pana la umorul sumbru si...
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