Ocupatie: Actor
Data nasterii: 15 Mai 1909
Locul nasterii: Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England
Data decesului: 27 Iulie 1984
Yellowbeard (1983)
Verdictul (1982)
The Verdict
Crima sub soare (1982)
Evil under the Sun
Ivanhoe (1982)
Salem's Lot (1979)
Trecatoarea (1979)
The Passage
Legatura de sange (1979)
Himera (1978)
The Boys From Brazil
Raiul mai poate astepta (1978)
Heaven Can Wait
Iisus din Nazareth (1977)
Jesus of Nazareth
Corabia condamnatilor (1976)
Voyage of the Damned
Crucea de fier (1976)
Cross of Iron
Contractul Marsilia (1974)
The Destructors
The Last of Sheila (1973)
The Mackintosh Man (1973)
Bad Man's River (1971)
Mayerling (1968)
Afacere Mortala (1967)
The Deadly Affair
The Blue Max (1966)
Lord Jim (1965)
Caderea Imperiului Roman (1964)
The Fall of the Roman Empire
Lolita (1962)
La nord, prin nord-vest (1959)
North by Northwest
S-a nascut o stea (1954)
A Star is Born
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954)
Julius Caesar (1953)
The Desert Rats (1953)
The Prisoner of Zenda (1952)
5 Fingers (1952)
Five Fingers
Madame Bovary (1949)
Caught (1949)
Odd Man Out (1947)
Al saptelea val (1945)
The Seventh Veil
Fire Over England (1937)
Umbra alba (2013)
White Shadow
Rejoice1 Grgory
/ 10 Oct 2015 (de mai mult de 1 an)
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