Ocupatie: Actrita
Data nasterii: 7 Iunie 1909
Locul nasterii: London, England, UK
Data decesului: 11 Septembrie 1994
Nobody's Fool (1994)
Valsul cainelui alb (1994)
To Dance with the White Dog
Used People (1992)
Rosii verzi prajite (1991)
Fried Green Tomatoes / Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe
Soferul Doamnei Daisy (1989)
Driving Miss Daisy
Casa de pe strada Carroll (1988)
The House on Carroll Street
Cocoon: Intoarcerea (1988)
Cocoon: The Return
Prieteni de departe (1987)
*batteries not included
Cocoon (1985)
Bostonienii (1984)
The Bostonians
Lumea lui Garp (1982)
The World According to Garp
Prieteni pe viata (1982)
Best Friends
Tenebrele noptii (1982)
Still of the Night
Butley (1974)
Pasarile (1963)
The Birds
A saptea cruce (1944)
The Seventh Cross