Ocupatie: Actor
Plecare (2011)
In slujba regelui Angliei (2007)
Obsluhoval Jsem anglického krále / I Served the King of England
Roming (2007)
Viata si aventurile soldatului Ivan Cionkin (1994)
The Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Private Ivan Chonkin
Accumulator 1 (1994)
Akumulator 1
Opera cersetorilor (1991)
Zebracka Opera / The Beggar's Opera
Intalnire cu Venus (1991)
Meeting Venus
Sfarsitul vremurilor vechi (1989)
Konec Starych Casu
Satucul meu (1985)
Vesnicko Má Stredisková / My Sweet Little Village
Inainte de sfarsitul noptii (1966)