Ocupatie: Actor
Urmeaza-ti inima (2006)
Something New
Lorzii din Dogtown (2005)
Lords of Dogtown
Warm Springs (2005)
Spartanul (2004)
Neveste perfecte (2004)
The Stepford Wives
Elefant (2003)
Departe de paradis (2002)
Far from Heaven
Miscari Periculoase (2002)
Changing Lanes
Inteligenta Artificiala (2001)
A.I.: Artificial Intelligence
Dr. T si femeile (2000)
Dr. T & The Women
Sa castige cel mai bun (2000)
Running Mates
Marele Gatsby (2000)
The Great Gatsby
Alegerile (1999)
Averea lui Cookie (1999)
Cookie's Fortune
Frumusete mortala (1999)
Drop Dead Gorgeous
Starstruck (1998)
In compania barbatilor (1997)
In the Company of Men
Fata pe care o visezi (1996)
De-a lungul timpului (1995)
Across the Sea of Time
Cercul vicios al doamnei Parker (1994)
Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle
Vantul (1992)
Arma cea noua (1992)
My New Gun
Doi oameni simpli (1992)
Simple Men
Surviving Desire (1991)
Dincolo de aparente (1990)
The Unbelievable Truth