Ocupatie: Actor
Pe jumatate mort (2002)
Half Past Dead
Regasirea (1999)
The Deep End of the Ocean
Trupe de elita II (1997)
Operation Delta Force II: Mayday
Liz (1995)
Liz: the Elizabeth Taylor Story
Wyatt Earp - Justitiarul Vestului Salbatic (1994)
Wyatt Earp
Hocus Pocus (1993)
Orasul lui Diggs (1992)
Povestea lui Babe Ruth (1992)
The Babe
Perry Mason: Cazul miresei deceptionate (1992)
Perry Mason: The Case of the Heartbroken Bride
Mr. Baseball (1992)
Proiectul X (1987)
Project X
Din nou la scoala (1986)
Back to School
Trancers (1985)
Creator (1985)