Ocupatie: Actor
Interviu cu un vampir (1994)
Interview With the Vampire
Printesa Caraboo (1994)
Princess Caraboo
Procesul (1993)
The Trial
Obiecte de arta (1991)
The Object of Beauty
Bucatarul, hotul, sotia hotului si amantul ei (1989)
The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover
Ciuliti-va urechile! (1987)
Prick Up Your Ears
1984 (1984)
Nineteen Eighty-Four
Cuba (1979)
Meetings with Remarkable Men (1979)
Scripcarul pe acoperis (1971)
Fiddler on the Roof
Mesagerul (1971)
The Go-Between
Magicianul (1968)
The Magus