Ocupatie: Actor, Scenarist
Data nasterii: 14 August 1945
Locul nasterii: Waco, TX
Pantera roz 2 (2009)
The Pink Panther 2
E tare complicat! (2009)
It's complicated
Pantera Roz (2006)
The Pink Panther
Fata de la magazin (2005)
Cu duzina e mai ieftin 2 - Razboiul tatilor (2005)
Cheaper by the Dozen 2
Casa intoarsa pe dos (2003)
Bringing Down the House
Looney Tunes: Noi aventuri (2003)
Looney Tunes: Back in Action
Cu duzina e mai ieftin! (2003)
Cheaper by the Dozen
Novocaina si dureri de cap (2001)
Titanii (2000)
Remember the Titans
Secretul lui Joe Gould (2000)
Joe Gould's Secret
Fantezia 2000 (1999)
Fantasia 2000
The Venice Project (1999)
Bowfinger (1999)
Printul Egiptului (1998)
The Prince of Egypt
The Spanish Prisoner (1997)
Sergentul Bilko (1996)
Sgt. Bilko
Tatal meu (1994)
A Simple Twist of Fate
Incurcaturi sentimentale (1994)
Mixed Nuts
Tatal meu (1994)
A Simple Twist of Fate
Plaga (1993)
And the Band Played On
Vanzatorul de iluzii (1992)
Leap of Faith
Simte-te ca acasa (1992)
Poveste din Los Angeles (1991)
L.A. Story
Grand Canyon (1991)
Tatal miresei (1991)
Father of the Bride
Aproape liber (1990)
My Blue Heaven
Numai tata sa nu fii! (1989)
Ticalosii (1988)
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
Roxanne (1987)
Cei trei care au speriat Mexicul (1986)
Three Amigos!
Pravalia groazei (1986)
Little Shop of Horrors
Singuraticul (1984)
The Lonely Guy
Doi intr-unul (1984)
All of Me
Indragostit cerebral (1983)
The Man with Two Brains
Mortii nu poarta ecosez (1982)
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
Pennies from Heaven (1981)
Muppets la Hollywood (1979)
The Muppet Movie
O inventie de milioane (1979)
The Jerk
Andrei Moldovan
/ 4 Aug 2009 (de mai mult de 1 an)
unul dintre cei mai buni actorii de comedie