Ocupatie: Actrita
Data nasterii: 30 Ianuarie 1937
Locul nasterii: London, England, UK
Cantec pentru Marion (2012)
Song for Marion
Anonim (2011)
Scrisori catre Julieta (2010)
Letters to Juliet
Eva. Povestea unui secol (2009)
Remuscare (2007)
Evening (2007)
Enigma (2007)
The riddle
Venus (2006)
Contesa alba (2005)
The White Countess
Regele hotilor (2005)
The Thief Lord
Febra (2004)
The Fever
Bravo, catelu'! (2003)
Good Boy!
Byron (2003)
Calmul dinaintea furtunii (2002)
The Gathering Storm
Crima si pedeapsa (2002)
Crime and Punishment
Merci Docteur Rey (2002)
Merci Docteur Rey!
Pandantivul (2002)
The Locket
Promisiunea (2001)
The Pledge
Jack si vrejul de fasole (2001)
Jack and the Beanstalk: The Real Story
If These Walls Could Talk 2 (2000)
Mirka (2000)
Ingerul salvator (2000)
A Rumor of Angels
Tinerete furata (1999)
Girl, Interrupted
Intre arta si adevar (1999)
Cradle Will Rock
Impact nimicitor (1998)
Deep Impact
Lulu (1998)
Lulu On The Bridge
Oscar Wilde (1997)
Doamna Dalloway (1997)
Mrs. Dalloway
Crima in Copenhaga (1997)
Smilla's Sense of Snow
Misiune: Imposibila (1996)
Mission: Impossible
In cautarea lui Richard (1996)
Looking for Richard
James si piersica uriasa (1996)
James and the Giant Peach
Vantul prin salcii (1996)
The Wind in the Willows
Vacanta in aprilie (1995)
A Month by the Lake
Dezmostenitii din Little Odessa (1994)
Little Odessa
Casa spiritelor (1993)
The House of the Spirits
Calugarita (1993)
Storia Di Una Capinera
Spiritele (1993)
Inapoi la Howards (1992)
Howards End
Tineretea Ecaterinei (1991)
Young Catherine
Dulcele gust al pasiunii (1988)
Consuming Passions
Ciuliti-va urechile! (1987)
Prick Up Your Ears
Wetherby (1985)
Bostonienii (1984)
The Bostonians
Playing for Time (1980)
Yankeii (1979)
Agatha (1979)
Julia (1977)
The Seven-Percent Solution (1976)
Orient Expres (1974)
Murder on the Orient Express
Diavolii (1971)
The Devils
Maria Stuart (1971)
Mary, Queen of Scots
Troienele (1971)
The Trojan Women
Atacul cavaleriei usoare (1968)
The Charge of the Light Brigade
Isadora (1968)
Camelot (1967)
Blow - Up (1966)
A Man for All Seasons (1966)
/ 30 Ian 2010 (de mai mult de 1 an)
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