Anul: 1957
Durata: 96min
Tara: Suedia
Regia: Ingmar Bergman
Calitate artistica deosebita
Importanta istorica ridicata
In rolurile principale : Max von Sydow, Bibi Andersson, Bengt Ekerot, Gunnar Björnstrand, Nils Poppe
Gen film: Drama, Fantastic, Istoric, Psihologic
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The Rapture (1991)
Izvorul fecioarei (1959)
Jungfrukällan / The Virgin Spring
Destiny (1921)
Der Müde Tod
Winter Light (1962)
Cuvantul (1955)
Death Takes a Holiday (1934)
Macario (1960)
On Borrowed Time (1939)
Death Takes a Holiday (1971)
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