Anul: 1986
Durata: 23min
Tara: SUA
Gen film: Documentar, Cultura si istorie, Dezastre
Extensiile acceptate sunt jpg, gif, png, bmp.
Se pot incarca maxim 20 poze odata.Tine apasat tasta Ctrl pentru a putea selecta mai multe poze.
ABC News Nightline: Chernobyl Plant - The Aftermath (1987)
ABC News Nightline: The Day After - The Perils of Nuclear War (1983)
ABC News Nightline: The Day After - Questions/Emotional Impact (1983)
Chernobyl: Bitter Taste of Wormwood (1986)
Chernobyl: The Taste of Wormwood
Chernobyl: Ten Days for Disaster (1996)
Chernobyl: Chronicle of Difficult Weeks (1986)
Three Mile Island Revisited
Secrets and Lies (2007)
Mystika Kai Psemata
Chernobyl and Three Mile Island
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