Durata: 52min
Tara: SUA
In rolurile principale : Betty Dodson
Gen film: Adult, Documentar
Extensiile acceptate sunt jpg, gif, png, bmp.
Se pot incarca maxim 20 poze odata.Tine apasat tasta Ctrl pentru a putea selecta mai multe poze.
A Guide to the G Spot & Extreme Multiple Orgasms (2001)
The Lover's Guide to Extended Orgasm (2004)
The Art of Orgasm for Men and Women: The Multi-Orgasmic Couple (2006)
Betty Dodson: Orgasmic Women: 13 Selfloving Divas (2006)
Becoming Orgasmic
How to Find Your Goddess Spot
Multi Orgasmic Response Ecstasy Training for Women and Their Lovers (1999)
Betty Dodson, PH.D: Celebrating Orgasm - Women's Private Self-Loving Sessions (2005)
Betty Dodson, PH.D: Selfloving - Portrait of a Woman's Sexuality Seminar (2005)
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