Anul: 1997
Durata: 110min
Tara: SUA
Regia: Pat O'Connor
In rolurile principale : Joaquin Phoenix, Liv Tyler, Kathy Baker, Will Patton, Billy Crudup, Joanna Going
Gen film: Drama, Romantic
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Good Will Hunting (1997)
Romeo si Julieta (1968)
Romeo and Juliet
Splendoare in iarba (1961)
Splendor in the Grass
Dragoste fara sfarsit (1981)
Endless Love
Jurnalul (2004)
The Notebook
O iubire de neuitat (2002)
A Walk to Remember
Evening (2007)
Parfum de Cedru (1999)
Snow Falling on Cedars
In ajunul razboiului (1984)
Racing with the Moon
Intre prieteni (1995)
Circle of Friends
Dragoste nebuna (1995)
Mad Love
Nebuni si frumosi (2001)
Raiul pe pamant (2000)
Here On Earth
Luna minciunilor (1982)
Liar's Moon
Lover's Prayer (1999)
Going All the Way (1997)
Peyton Place (1957)
A Summer Place (1959)
Splendor in the Grass (1981)
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