Anul: 1980
Durata: 117min
Tara: SUA
Regia: John G. Avildsen
In rolurile principale : George C. Scott, Marlon Brando, John Gielgud, John van Dreelen, G.D. Spradlin, Marthe Keller, Calvin Jung
Gen film: Mister, Thriller, Politist, Politic
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Maratonistul (1976)
Marathon Man
Cele trei zile ale condorului (1975)
Three Days of the Condor
Pactul Holcroft (1985)
The Holcroft Covenant
Himera (1978)
The Boys From Brazil
Afacerea (2004)
The Deal
Paralaxis (1974)
The Parallax View
Dosarul Odessa (1974)
The Odessa File
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