Anul: 1997
Durata: 96min
Tara: SUA
In rolurile principale : David Caruso, Chris Noth, Kelly Lynch, Stacey Dash, John Spencer
Gen film: Drama, Crima, Road-movie
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Suflet salbatic (1990)
Wild at Heart
Iubire adevarata (1993)
True Romance
Ultima sansa (1997)
Truth or Consequences, N.M.
Evadarea (1994)
The Getaway
Calea armelor (2000)
The Way of the Gun
Dragoste si crima (1994)
Love and a .45
Dragoste si violenta (1992)
Lewis, Clark si George (1997)
Lewis & Clark & George
The Doom Generation (1995)
Teenage Bonnie and Klepto Clyde (1993)
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