Anul: 1995
Durata: 105min
Tara: SUA
Regia: Sam Raimi
In rolurile principale : Sharon Stone, Gene Hackman, Russell Crowe, Leonardo DiCaprio, Tobin Bell, Roberts Blossom
Gen film: Western
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Cei sapte magnifici (1960)
The Magnificent Seven
Pentru un pumn de dolari (1964)
Per un Pugno di Dollari / For a Fistful of Dollars
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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
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Per Qualche Dollaro in Piů / For a Few Dollars More
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Young Guns 2
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Last Train From Gun Hill
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800 Balas / 800 Bullets
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The Stranger's Gundown (1974)
Django de Bastardo
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Cheyenne (1996)
The Gunslinger (1956)
A Minute to Pray, a Second To Die (1967)
Un Minuto Per Pregare, Un Instante Per Morire
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The Awakening Land (1978)
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