Anul: 1981
Durata: 102min
Tara: SUA
Regia: Peter Yates
In rolurile principale : William Hurt, Christopher Plummer, James Woods, Sigourney Weaver, Irene Worth
Gen film: Mister, Romantic, Thriller
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A doua zi dimineata (1986)
The Morning After
Lama zimtata (1985)
Jagged Edge
O moarte suspecta (1981)
Blow Out
Teoria conspiratiei (1997)
Conspiracy Theory
Cineva care sa ma apere (1987)
Someone to Watch over Me
Politisti murdari (1987)
The Big Easy
Anotimpul crimelor (1985)
The Mean Season
Tenebrele noptii (1982)
Still of the Night
Crime intre prieteni (2000)
Retribution / Complicity
The Bedroom Window (1987)
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