Anul: 1999
Durata: 125min
Tara: SUA
In rolurile principale : Sigourney Weaver, David Strathairn, Julianne Moore, Arliss Howard, Ron Lea
Gen film: Actiune, Drama
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O mie de acri (1997)
A Thousand Acres
In dormitor (2001)
In the Bedroom
Inainte si dupa (1996)
Before and After
Culoarea minciunii (2003)
The Human Stain
O mama perfecta (1988)
The Good Mother
Regasirea (1999)
The Deep End of the Ocean
Un tipat in noapte (1988)
A Cry in the Dark
Ape adanci (2001)
The Deep End
Ferma (1984)
Camera fiului (2001)
La Stanza Del Figlio / The Son's Room
Johnny Greyeyes (2001)
Oriana (1985)
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