Anul: 1993
Durata: 86min
Tara: SUA
Regia: Charles Band
Gen film: Familie, Fantastic, Aventuri, Copii
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E.T. Extraterestrul (1982)
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
Jurassic Park (1993)
Eu si monstrul meu (2007)
The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep
Gremlins (1984)
Pradatorul (2001)
The Lost World (1925)
Dinotopia: Quest for the Ruby Sunstone (2005)
Dinosaur: Secret of the Lost Legend (1985)
Baby... Secret of the Lost Legend
The Dragon That Wasn't (Or Was He?) (1983)
Duncan's World (1977)
Prehysteria! 3 (1995)
Gumby: The Movie (1995)
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