Anul: 1979
Durata: 117min
Tara: SUA
Slaba calitate artistica
In rolurile principale : James Brolin, Rod Steiger, Murray Hamilton, Don Stroud, Natasha Ryan, Margot Kidder
Gen film: Horror
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Exorcistul (1973)
The Exorcist
Poltergeist (1982)
Castelul bantuit (1999)
The Haunting
Avertizarea (2002)
The Ring
The Omen (1976)
Balada macabra (1976)
Burnt Offerings
The Fog (1979)
Pandarul din padure (1981)
The Watcher in the Woods
Audrey Rose (1977)
Session 9 (2001)
Zbor Intunecat (2004)
Dead Birds
The Legend of Hell House (1973)
Vecini cu cosmarul (2003)
Seven Days to Live (2000)
7 Days To Live
Holy Terror (1976)
Alice, Sweet Alice
Beyond the Door II (1977)
Christine (1983)
The Boogey Man 2 (1983)
The Visitors (1989)
House of the Damned (1996)
The Evil (1978)
Exorcismo (1974)
Eternal Evil (1987)
The House of Clocks (1989)
La Casa Del Tempo
Au Rendez-Vous de la Mort Joyeuse (1973)
A Place of One's Own (1945)
Near Death (2003)
London Voodoo (2004)
The St. Francisville Experiment (2000)
The Hearse (1980)
The Legacy (1978)
Victim Of the Haunt (1996)
Mirror, Mirror (1990)
Doorway (2000)
Shadow Dancing (1988)
The Sentinel (1976)
My World Dies Screaming (1958)
The House That Would Not Die (1970)
In Possession (1985)
The Haunted (1991)
House of Dies Drear (1984)
This House Possessed (1981)
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