Anul: 1934
Durata: 90min
Tara: SUA
Regia: W.S. Van Dyke
Calitate artistica deosebita
Imagine de inalta calitate
Disponibil si in varianta color
In rolurile principale : William Powell, Maureen O'Sullivan, Myrna Loy, Nat Pendleton, Minna Gombell
Gen film: Mister, Thriller
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Misterul crimei din Manhattan (1993)
Manhattan Murder Mystery
There's That Woman Again (1938)
There's Always a Woman (1938)
Dangerous Lady (1941)
Dangerous Blondes (1943)
The Ex-Mrs. Bradford (1936)
Saloon Bar (1940)
Remember Last Night (1935)
Bal Cupidon (1949)
Fast Company (1938)
Incendiary Blonde (1945)
Fast and Furious (1939)
Escapade (1935)
Fast and Loose (1939)
Mr. & Ms. and the Magic Studio Mystery (1975)
Mr. & Ms. and the Bandstand Mystery (1975)
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