Anul: 2004
Durata: 119min
Tara: SUA,Franta
In rolurile principale : Yekaterina Golubeva
Gen film: Drama, Road-movie, Erotic
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Dispretul (1963)
Le Mépris / Contempt
Zabriskie Point (1970)
Lucia si sexul (2001)
Lucía y el Sexo / Sex and Lucia
Paris, Texas (1983)
Fidelitate (2000)
La Fidélité
Indragostitii de la Cercul Polar (1998)
Los Amantes Del Circulo Polar / The Lovers of the Arctic Circle
August 32nd On Earth (1998)
Un 32 Aout Sur Terre
Nebuni din dragoste (1985)
Fool for Love
Gerry (2002)
Last Days (2005)
In centrul lumii (2001)
The Center of the World
Iepurasul cafeniu (2003)
The Brown Bunny
Pola X (1999)
Ireversibil (2002)
9 piese (2004)
9 Songs
Priveste marea (1997)
Regarde la Mer / See the Sea
Electroma (2006)
Daft Punk's Electroma
Flirting with Anthony (2005)
O gaura in inima mea (2004)
Ett Hål i Mitt Hjärta / A Hole in My Heart
Trouble Every Day (2001)
Friday Night (2002)
A Summer Dress (1996)
Un robe d'été
Climates (2006)
Sud Sanaeha (2002)
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