Anul: 1998
Durata: 99min
Tara: SUA
Regia: Neil LaBute
Imagine de inalta calitate
In rolurile principale : Amy Brenneman, Ben Stiller, Jason Patric, Aaron Eckhart, Nastassja Kinski, Catherine Keener
Gen film: Comedie, Drama
Extensiile acceptate sunt jpg, gif, png, bmp.
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Closer - Ispita (2004)
Sex, minciuni si casete video (1989)
sex, lies, and videotape
Scenariul ucigas (2004)
The Dying Gaul
Hurlyburly (1998)
Soti si sotii (1992)
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Arta seductiei (2003)
The Shape of Things
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In the Company of Men
Happiness (1998)
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Nu mai locuim aici (2004)
We Don't Live Here Anymore
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Ultima sansa (2007)
The Last Time
Doar un sarut (2002)
Just a Kiss
Ca plesnitura de bici (2000)
Bitch (2006)
De Noorderlingen (1992)
The Twist (1976)
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The Decline of the American Empire (1986)
Le Declin de l'Empire Americain
Love and Human Remains (1993)
Married/Unmarried (2001)
Grande École (2003)
Felons (1998)
Denial (1998)
Something About Sex
A Woman's Guide to Adultery (1993)
Adultere, Mode D'Emploi (1995)
Patti Rocks (1987)
Attraction (2000)
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