Fires on the Plain (1959)
Valurile Dunarii (1959)
Batalia de la Pork Chop Hill (1959)
Pork Chop Hill
Marele razboi (1959)
La Grande Guerra / The Great War
Cavaleristii (1959)
The Horse Soldiers
Lotna (1959)
Generalul Della Rovere (1959)
Il Generale Della Rovere / General Della Rovere
Vaca si prizonierul (1959)
La Vache et le Prisonnier / The Cow and I
Soricelul se pune cu Elefantul (1959)
The Mouse That Roared
La zece secunde de Iad (1959)
Ten Seconds to Hell
The Angry Hills (1959)
Up Periscope (1959)
Sudba cheloveka (1959)
Destiny of a Man
Banditul din Zhobe (1959)
The Bandit of Zhobe
Singur (1959)
Leii tineri (1958)
The Young Lions
Pericolul din adancuri (1958)
Run Silent, Run Deep
Povesti de razboi (1958)
Another Time, Another Place
Torpedo Run (1958)
The Square Peg (1958)