Arde Parisul? (1966)
Paris Brule-t-il? / Is Paris Burning?
Cum a fost la razboi, taticule? (1966)
What Did You Do in the War, Daddy?
Father of a Soldier (1965)
Otets Soldata
Misiune sinucigasa (1965)
Morituri / The Saboteur, Code Name Morituri
Viata la castel (1965)
La Vie de Château / A Matter of Resistance
Eroii de la Telemark (1965)
The Heroes of Telemark
36 Hours (1964)
S-a intamplat aici (1964)
It Happened Here
Sechestratii din Altona (1963)
I Sequestrati di Altona / The Condemned of Altona
The Password is Courage (1962)
Unu, doi, trei (1961)
One, Two, Three
Candide (1960)
Cafe Europa (1960)
G.I. Blues
Vaca si prizonierul (1959)
La Vache et le Prisonnier / The Cow and I
La zece secunde de Iad (1959)
Ten Seconds to Hell
The Angry Hills (1959)
Sudba cheloveka (1959)
Destiny of a Man
The Square Peg (1958)