Arme pentru San Sebastian (1969)
La Bataille de San Sebastian / Guns for San Sebastian
Inspectorul Clouseau (1968)
Inspector Clouseau
Lost Sex (1968)
Doctorul Haywood (1968)
The Shakiest Gun in the West
Viata secreta a unei sotii (1968)
The Secret Life of an American Wife
Sa nu-ti pierzi capul! (1967)
Don't Lose Your Head
Luptatoarea Kung Fu (1965)
Da Zui Xia / Big Drunk Hero
Marnie (1964)
O impuscatura in intuneric (1964)
A Shot in the Dark
Evanghelia dupa Matei (1964)
Il Vangelo Secondo Matteo / The Gospel According to St. Matthew
Sexul Slab (1964)
Sex and the Single Girl
Fantomas (1964)
Shock Corridor (1963)
Lista lui Adrian Messenger (1963)
The List of Adrian Messenger
The Outcast (1962)
Vanina Vanini (1961)