Moonraker (1979)
Ia-ti picioarele la spinare! (1979)
Running Scared / Back In The USA
Atentat in parcul de distractii (1977)
Telefon (1977)
Maratonistul (1976)
Marathon Man
Doamnelor si domnilor, noapte buna! (1976)
Signore e Signori Buonanotte
Silver Streak (1976)
Cele trei zile ale condorului (1975)
Three Days of the Condor
Rosebud (1975)
Pedeapsa de pe muntele Eiger (1975)
The Eiger Sanction
Permis pentru crima (1975)
Permission to Kill
Contractul Marsilia (1974)
The Destructors
Pistolul de aur (1974)
The Man with the Golden Gun
Intoarcerea marelui blond (1974)
Le Retour du Grand Blond / The Return of the Tall Blond Man with One Black Shoe
Samanta de Tamarin (1974)
The Tamarind Seed
Magnificul (1973)
Le Magnifique / How to Destroy the Reputation of the Greatest Secret Agent
Pe cine nu lasi sa moara (1973)
Live and Let Die
The Mackintosh Man (1973)
Sarpele (1973)
Le Serpent / Night Flight from Moscow
Scorpio (1973)