Real Life (1979)
HEALTH (1979)
O aventura aproape perfecta (1979)
An Almost Perfect Affair
Cascadorul Hooper (1978)
Cel mai mare amant din lume (1977)
The World's Greatest Lover
Toti oamenii presedintelui (1976)
All the President's Men
Reteaua (1976)
S-a nascut o stea (1976)
A Star is Born
Paravanul (1976)
The Front
Pumping Iron (1976)
Nashville (1975)
The Sunshine Boys (1975)
Hearts of the West (1975)
Cei mai frumosi ani (1973)
The Way We Were
Noaptea americana (1973)
La Nuit Américaine / Day for Night
Elvis on Tour (1972)
Elvis: Intre mit si realitate (1970)
Elvis: That's the Way It Is