Nascut pe 4 iulie (1989)
Born on the Fourth of July
Abisul (1989)
The Abyss
Cand dragostea ucide (1989)
Sea of Love
Henry V (1989)
Arma mortala 2 (1989)
Lethal Weapon 2
Lonesome Dove (1989)
Pizzeria lui Sal (1989)
Do the Right Thing
Cercul poetilor disparuti (1989)
Dead Poets Society
Bucatarul, hotul, sotia hotului si amantul ei (1989)
The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover
Aventurile Baronului Munchausen (1989)
The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
Seinfeld (1989)
Terenul de baseball (1989)
Field of Dreams
Formidabilii Baker-Boys (1989)
The Fabulous Baker Boys
Glory (1989)
Sex, minciuni si casete video (1989)
sex, lies, and videotape
Mystery Train (1989)
Cand Harry o intalneste pe Sally (1989)
When Harry Met Sally
Star Trek V: Ultima Frontiera (1989)
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
The Killer (1989)
Roger si eu (1989)
Roger & Me