Delicte si faradelegi (1989)
Crimes and Misdemeanors
Step (1989)
Noaptea nuntii (1989)
True Love
Viata pe fuga (1988)
Running on Empty
Little Nikita (1988)
Idila in pasi de dans (1988)
The In Crowd
Balenele din august (1987)
The Whales of August
Peggy Sue se marita (1986)
Peggy Sue Got Married
Singuraticul (1986)
Le Solitaire
Pierduti in America (1985)
Lost in America
Sotia jucatorului de baseball (1985)
The Slugger's Wife
Obiceiuri necurate (1984)
Entre Tinieblas / Dark Habits
Femei in timp de razboi (1984)
Swing Shift
Un dimanche a la campagne (1984)
Un Dimanche à la Campagne / A Sunday in the Country
The Dead Zone (1983)
Ofiter si gentleman (1982)
An Officer and a Gentleman
Intoarcere la Brideshead (1981)
Brideshead Revisited
Atlantic City (1980)