Bun venit la Sarajevo (1997)
Welcome to Sarajevo
Un nou inceput (1997)
Their Second Chance
Cochetand cu dezastrul (1996)
Flirting With Disaster
Secrete si minciuni (1996)
Secrets & Lies
The King of Masks (1996)
Chemarea Afroditei (1995)
Mighty Aphrodite
Caminul ideal (1995)
Butterbox Babies
Tatal meu (1994)
A Simple Twist of Fate
Negustorii de copii (1994)
Baby Brokers
Un loc pentru Annie (1994)
A Place for Annie
Cautari disperate (1994)
Where Are My Children?
Vremea razbunarii (1994)
Sioux City
Totor (1994)
Pacatele parintilor (1993)
Family of Strangers
Copii furati (1993)
Stolen Babies
Promisiuni desarte (1993)
Broken Promises: Taking Emily Back
Suflet negru (1993)
Hush Little Baby
La rascruce de vanturi (1992)
Wuthering Heights
Un politist cumsecade (1991)
One Good Cop
Oamenii de sub scara (1991)
The People Under the Stairs