Dobermann (1997)
Destin fatal (1997)
Heaven's Burning
Idiot Box (1996)
Fum de tigara (1995)
Inocenta distrusa (1995)
Fall Time
Frauda de proportii (1995)
The Steal
Prizonieri in Paradis (1994)
Trapped in Paradise
Jack Fulgeratorul (1994)
Lightning Jack
Fara scapare (1993)
Nowhere to Run
Pana la capatul lumii (1991)
Bis ans Ende der Welt / Until the End of the World
La limita extrema (1991)
Point Break
Menajera (1990)
The Maid
Terenul de baseball (1989)
Field of Dreams
Academia de Politie 6 (1989)
Police Academy 6: City Under Siege
Toti cainii merg in rai (1989)
All Dogs Go to Heaven
Trei fugari (1989)
Three Fugitives
Patty Hearst (1988)
The Blue Iguana (1988)