Umbrele trecutului (1997)
The Blackout
Calatorie spre inceputul lumii (1997)
Voyage to the Beginning of the World / Voyage to the Beginning of the World
Alte 9 saptamani si jumatate (1997)
Another 9 1/2 Weeks
Recuperarea trecutului (1997)
Dead by Midnight
De neuitat (1996)
Antonia (1995)
Antonia's Line
Cealalta femeie (1994)
Another Woman
Amintiri periculoase (1991)
Memories of Midnight
Rapsodie in august (1991)
Rhapsody in August
Total Recall (1990)
Proba fizica (1989)
Physical Evidence
O noapte ciudata (1988)
The Night Before
Amintiri (1988)