O dorinta simpla (1997)
A Simple Wish
Clubul vrajitoarelor (1996)
The Craft
Soarele, luna si stelele (1996)
The Sun, the Moon and the Stars
Patru camere (1995)
Four Rooms
Pasiunea (1995)
The Passion of Darkly Noon
Infruntarea regatelor magice (1995)
Beastmaster III: The Eye of Braxus
Hocus Pocus (1993)
Gemenele (1993)
Double, Double, Toil & Trouble
Magie neagra (1992)
Black Magic
Atentie, broaste! (1992)
Mica sirena (1992)
The Little Mermaid
Putere intunecata (1991)
Cast a Deadly Spell
Salvati copilul! (1991)
To Save a Child
Poarta timpului (1991)
Beastmaster 2: Through the Portal of Time
Vrajitoarele (1990)
The Witches
Yaaba (1989)
Mica Sirena (1989)
The Little Mermaid
Vraja dragostei (1989)
Teen Witch