Pelisky (1999)
ED Tv (1999)
Averea lui Cookie (1999)
Cookie's Fortune
Totul despre mama mea (1999)
Todo Sobre Mi Madre / All About My Mother
American Beauty (1999)
Sinuciderea fecioarelor (1999)
The Virgin Suicides
Stuart Little - Soricelul familiei (1999)
Stuart Little
Povestea noastra (1999)
The Story of Us
O plimbare pe luna (1999)
A Walk on the Moon
Clanul Soprano (1999)
The Sopranos
Zona de conflict (1999)
The War Zone
Baiatul familiei Winslow (1999)
The Winslow Boy
Resurse umane (1999)
Ressources Humaines / Human Resources
The Color of Paradise (1999)
Mifune (1999)
Mifunes sidste sang
Muppets in spatiu (1999)
Muppets from Space
Puterea iubirii (1999)
The Other Sister
Sotia astronautului (1999)
The Astronaut's Wife
Viata mea pana acum (1999)
My Life So Far
Oneghin (1999)