Tara minunilor (1999)
Traieste-ti viata (1998)
Living Out Loud
Mr. Zhao (1998)
Bent Familia (1998)
Mama vitrega (1998)
Capcana pentru parinti (1998)
The Parent Trap
Inimi tinere (1998)
Young Hearts Unlimited
Reteaua crimei (1998)
Mincinosul mincinosilor (1997)
Liar Liar
Sunday (1997)
Clubul nevestelor parasite (1996)
The First Wives Club
Ce zi minunata! (1996)
One Fine Day
Toti spun: Te iubesc! (1996)
Everyone Says I Love You
Arest la domiciliu (1996)
House Arrest
Zvon de maritis (1996)
Wedding Bell Blues
Fascinatia nebuniei (1996)
Seduced by Madness: The Diane Borchardt Story
Instinct matern (1996)
A Mother's Instinct
Hollow Reed (1996)
Soarele, luna si stelele (1996)
The Sun, the Moon and the Stars
Bye Bye, Love (1995)