Tentatia seductiei (1999)
Cruel Intentions
Cleopatra (1999)
Un simplu caz de crima (1999)
A Slight Case of Murder
Aproape de Rai (1998)
In the Shadows / Under Heaven
Cantec de leagan (1998)
Fibra Optica (1998)
The Wings of the Dove (1997)
Jocul (1997)
The Game
In compania barbatilor (1997)
In the Company of Men
Joc in patru (1997)
Bad Manners
Adolescente rebele (1996)
Fascinatia nebuniei (1996)
Seduced by Madness: The Diane Borchardt Story
Pe viata si pe moarte (1995)
To Die For
Richard III (1995)
The Brady Bunch Movie (1995)
Reteaua (1995)
The Net
Elisa (1995)
Clifford (1994)
Hartuire sexuala (1994)
Bob Roberts (1992)