No Vacancy (1999)
Holy Smoke (1999)
Splendoare (1999)
In cautarea dragostei (1999)
Body Shots
Mauvaises frequentations (1999)
Mauvaises fréquentations / Bad Company
Amantii criminali (1999)
Les Amants Criminels / Criminal Lovers
Romance (1999)
Hold You Tight (1998)
O fiica de soldat nu plange! (1998)
A Soldier's Daughter Never Cries
Totul despre sex (1998)
Sex and the City
Nu numai sex (1998)
The Opposite of Sex
Indragostitii de la Cercul Polar (1998)
Los Amantes Del Circulo Polar / The Lovers of the Arctic Circle
L'Ennui (1998)
Cartierul (1998)
Cantique de la Racaille (1998)
Reteaua crimei (1998)
A Glass of Rage (1998)
Um Copo de Colera
Jurnalul unei vedete de film porno (1997)
Boogie Nights
Goana dupa sex (1997)
Booty Call
Strainul nebun (1997)
Gadjo Dilo / The Crazy Stranger