Scafandrul si fluturele (2007)
Le Scaphandre et le papillon / The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
Kickin It Old Skool (2007)
Kickin' It Old Skool
Possession (2007)
Afaceri neterminate (2007)
Until Death
Cei trei purcelusi (2007)
Trois Petits Cochons / Three Little Pigs
Strangers with Candy (2005)
Fetching Cody (2005)
Maratonul visurilor (2004)
Saint Ralph
Trauma (2003)
Delicata arta a parcarii (2003)
The Delicate Art of Parking
Vorbeste cu ea (2002)
Hable con ella / Talk to Her
Good Bye Lenin! (2002)
Frank McKlusky, C.I. (2002)
Bomba umana (2002)
Povesti cu roboti (2002)
Robot Stories
Monkeybone (2001)
Conexiune Inversa (2000)
The Cell
Calvarul (2000)
Dragoste vesnica (1998)
Forever Love