Un roman de duzina (2007)
Roman de Gare / Crossed Tracks
Misterul drumului de Sintra (2007)
O Misterio da estrada de Sintra
Nancy Drew (2007)
Internatul (2007)
Jane Doe: Gravat in memorie (2006)
Jane Doe: Yes, I Remember It Well
Detectivul Murdoch (2006)
The Murdoch mysteries
Izbavirea (2006)
Mystery Woman: Redemption
Numere (2005)
Jonny Zero (2005)
Aventura la Sugar Creek (2004)
Sugar Creek Gang: Swamp Robber
Micii Spioni (2004)
Undercover Kids
Heroic Duo (2003)
Scooby-Doo (2002)
Harry Potter si Piatra Filozofala (2001)
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone / Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Crima din Orient Express (2001)
Murder on the Orient Express
Camuflaj (2000)
Cosmar pe platou (2000)
Master Keaton (1998)