In viteza (2003)
Curierul (2002)
The Transporter
Thieves (1996)
Les Voleurs
Promisiunea (1996)
La Promesse / The Promise
Ingerii pazitori (1995)
Les Anges Gardiens
Spionaj in familie (1991)
La Totale!
Operatiunea Corned Beef (1990)
L'Operation Corned-Beef
Moise si Goliath (1987)
Levy et Goliath / Levy and Goliath
Asul asilor (1982)
L'As Des As
Querelle (1982)
Un om grabit (1977)
L'Homme Pressé / The Hurried Man
Prostanacul (1965)
Le Corniaud / The Sucker