Podul din San Luis Rey (2005)
The Bridge of San Luis Rey
Cotletele (2003)
Les Côtelettes
De cand a plecat Otar (2003)
Depuis Qu'Otar Est Parti... / Since Otar Left...
Drum inchis (2003)
Dead End
Camera fiului (2001)
La Stanza Del Figlio / The Son's Room
Totul despre mama mea (1999)
Todo Sobre Mi Madre / All About My Mother
No One Writes to the Colonel (1999)
El Coronel No Tiene Quien Le Escriba
Pisica alba, pisica neagra (1998)
Crna Macka, Beli Macor / Black Cat, White Cat
Reportaj pe muchie de cutit (1998)
Divorcing Jack
Deschide ochii! (1997)
Abre los Ojos / Open Your Eyes
Ponette (1996)
Calaretul de pe acoperis (1995)
Le Hussard Sur Le Toit / The Horseman on the Roof
Stapanul elefantilor (1995)
Le Maitre des Elephants
Trei culori: Albastru (1993)
Trois Couleurs: Bleu / Blue
Harta sufletului (1993)
Map of the Human Heart
Balanta (1992)
Le Chêne / The Oak
IP5: L'ile aux pachydermes (1992)
IP5: L'Île aux Pachydermes
Vanatoare de fluturi (1992)
La Chasse Aux Papillons / Chasing Butterflies
Wings of Desire (1987)
Der Himmel über Berlin
Ospatul Babettei (1987)
Babettes Gæstebud / Babette's Feast