Triumful dragostei (2001)
Il Trionfo Dell'Amore / The Triumph of Love
Banca (2001)
The Bank
Strict secret (1998)
Secret Défense / Top Secret
Razbunarea pistolarului (1998)
Il Mio West / Gunslinger's Revenge
Deschide ochii! (1997)
Abre los Ojos / Open Your Eyes
En garde! (1997)
On Guard
Jonathan, fiul ursilor (1994)
Jonathan degli orsi / Jonathan of the Bears
Trage! (1993)
Dispara! / Outrage
Mireasa insangerata (1991)
A Family Matter / Vendetta: Secrets of a Mafia Bride
Santa sangre (1989)
Manon of the Spring (1986)
Manon des Sources
Filiera siciliana (1985)
Pizza Connection / The Sicilian Connection
Creepers (1984)
Anthropophagous: The Beast (1981)
Antropophagus / The Grim Reaper
Ziua cobrei (1980)
Il Giorno del Cobra / The Day of the Cobra
Corleone (1978)
Inocentul (1976)
L'Innocente / The Innocent
Corsarul negru (1976)
Il Corsaro Nero
Impotriva mafiei (1974)
Borsalino & Co.
Tony Arzenta (1973)
Tony Arzenta - Big Guns / No Way Out