Bean - O comedie dezastru (1997)
Bean / Bean: The Ultimate Disaster Movie
Omuletii de sub casa (1997)
The Borrowers
Fiul meu, fanaticul (1997)
My Son the Fanatic
Inocenta periculoasa (1997)
Lawn Dogs
Baiatul macelar (1997)
The Butcher Boy
Nil by Mouth (1997)
Secrete si minciuni (1996)
Secrets & Lies
August (1996)
Ferma trasnitilor (1995)
Cold Comfort Farm
Persuasion (1995)
Sfaturi mortale (1994)
Deadly Advice
Gradina secreta (1993)
The Secret Garden
Wittgenstein (1993)
In numele tatalui (1993)
In the Name of the Father
Pamantul Eternei Tinereti (1993)
Into the West
Ploaia de pietre (1993)
Raining Stones
Inapoi la Howards (1992)
Howards End
Duelul inimilor (1992)
Duel of Hearts
Doi oameni simpli (1992)
Simple Men